ID4: Multimedia

Due to space restrictions I'm forced to restrict this to sounds and pictures. Though if someone is generous enough to donate several dozen megs of UNIX storage I'll add the .MOVs as well!

ID4 Sounds

President Whitmore's Speech: my personal favorite!

The alien's scream

The real gist of Whitmore's speech

"kick the tires and light the fires", spoken by Jimmy (Harry Connick Jr.)

The aliens' signal

Here are some .WAVs in full stereo, courtesy of Nathan Rose. Thanks, Nathan!

Jimmy's "reverend" speech

"I ain't heard no fat lady..."


ID4 Images

(all pictures are .GIF unless specifically specified otherwise)

Airfield attack

Destroyers descending, courtesy of Nathan Rose

New York aftermath/Statue of Liberty, another one from Nathan Rose

Destroyer hangs over Central Park

Shadow falls over New York City

The White House Explodes! Great .GIF to use as wallpaper!

The sky burns! Another great .GIF!

The animated Attacker from the official Independence Day site

Destroyer hit by missiles. A great .JPG by Jason Mackey!

Destroyer coming over mountains toward Area 51. Another one by Jason Mackey!

Destroyer launches the Attackers! Yet ANOTHER one by Jason Mackey!

"Is that glass bulletproof?" Alien gets shot!

Steve and Jimmy during mission briefing

.JPG of Steve and David together

.JPG that proves ID4 is a literal blockbuster!

Great .JPG of the New York City destroyer opening fire on the Empire State Building!

Some animated .GIFs by Jason Mackey

Destroyers breaking off from mothership and descending to Earth

Destroyer coming out of cloud cover over New York City

The laughing Jolly Roger from David's virus!

The most popular .GIF in the world right now: the White House explodes!!

Updated 08/01/96 Return to title page.